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- Linda Y.C. Lim, “Beyond Gender: The Impact of Age, Ethnicity, Nationality and Economic Growth on Women in the Singapore Economy”, Singapore Economic Review, 60(2) (2015), reprinted in Linda Y.C. Lim, Business, Government and Labor: Essays on Economic Development in Singapore and Southeast Asia, pp. 177-186 (World Scientific, 2018)
- Jun Zubillaga-Pow, “Singapore v. Foucault: Biopolitics and Geopolitics in Contemporary Queer Films” in Singapore Cinema: New Perspectives. London (Routledge, 2016)
- Youyenn Teo, “Not everyone has ‘maids’: class differentials in the elusive quest for work-life balance”, Gender, Place & Culture 23(8): 1164-78 (2016)
- Daniel P.S. Goh, “Elite schools, postcolonial Chineseness and hegemonic masculinities in Singapore”, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(1): 137-155 (2015)
- Adeline Koh, Yu-Mei Balasingamchow and Chris Hudon (eds.), Women and the Politics of Representation in Southeast Asia: Engendering Discourse in Singapore and Malaysia (Routledge, 2015)
- Linda Lim, “Women in the Singapore Economy–The Inequalities Continue,” In Margaret Thomas and Kanwaljit Soin (eds.), Our Lives to Live: Putting a Woman’s Face to Change in Singapore, pp. 149-54 (World Scientific, 2015)
- Natalie Oswin, “Queer time in Global City Singapore: Neoliberal Futures and the ‘Freedom to Love.’”, Sexualities, 17(4) (2014)
- Lynette J. Chua, Mobilizing Gay Singapore: Rights and Resistance in an Authoritarian State (NUS Press, 2014)
- Teo Youyenn, “Support for Deserving Families: Inventing the Anti-welfare Familialist State in Singapore”, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 20(3): 387-406 (2013)
- Natalie Oswin, “The queer time of creative urbanism: family, futurity, and global city Singapore”, Environment and Planning-Part A, 44(7): 1624-40 (2012)
- Audrey Yue and Jun Zubillaga-Pow (eds.), Queer Singapore: Illiberal Citizenship and Mediated Cultures (Hong Kong University Press, 2012)
- Linda Lim, “Beyond Gender: the impact of age, ethnicity, nationality and economic growth on women in the Singapore economy” in 25th Anniversary Forum: Women’s Choices, Women’s Lives (AWARE, 2011)
- Natalie Oswin, “Sexual tensions in modernizing Singapore: the postcolonial and the intimate”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 28: 128-41 (2010)
- Teo Youyenn, “Gender disarmed: How gendered policies produce gender-neutral politics in Singapore,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 34(3): 533-558 (2009)
- Audrey Yue, “Hawking in the Creative City: Rice Rhapsody, Sexuality and the Cultural Politics of New Asia in Singapore”, Feminist Media Studies, 7(4), pp.365–380 (2007)
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- Michelle M. Lazar, “For the Good of the Nation: ‘Strategic Egalitarianism’ in the Singapore Context”, Nations and Nationalism, 7(1): 59-74 (2001)
- Jean L. Pyle, “Women, the Family, and Economic Restructuring: The Singapore Model?” in Garry Rodan (ed.), Singapore, pp. 479-87 (Ashgate, 2001)
- Philip Holden, “The Beginnings of ‘Asian Modernity’ in Singapore: A Straits Chinese Body Project”, Communal/Plural, 7(1): 59-78 (1999)
- William K. M. Lee, “The feminization of poverty in an aged population in Singapore”in Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies Working Paper Series, Paper 8 (1999)
- Peggy Teo and Brenda S.A. Yeoh, “Interweaving the Public and the Private: Women’s Responses to Population Policy Shifts in Singapore”, International Journal of Population Geography, 5(2): 79-96 (1999)
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- Lenore Lyons, “The ‘Graduate Woman’ Phenomenon: Changing Constructions of the Family in Singapore”, Sojourn, 13(2): 309-27 (1998)
- Nirmala PuruShotam, “Women and Knowledge/Power: Notes on the Singaporean Dilemma” in Ong Jin Hui, Tong Chee Kiong and Tan Ern Ser (eds.), Understanding Singapore Society, pp. 535-61 (Times Academic Press, 1997)
- Geraldine Heng and Janadas Devan, “State Fatherhood: The Politics of Nationalism, Sexuality, and Race in Singapore” in Aihwa Ong and Michael G. Peletz (eds.) Bewitching women, pious men: gender and body politics in Southeast Asia, pp. 195-215 (University of California Press, 1995)
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- Janet W. Salaff, State and family in Singapore: Restructuring a Developing Society (Cornell University Press, 1988)
Government, NGO and other publications