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Governmental documents
- Monetary Authority of Singapore, Economic Policy Group, Macroeconomic Review (April and October, annual)
- Ministry of Finance/Ministry of Trade and Industry, Report of the Committee on the Future Economy: Pioneers of the Next Generation (February 2017)
- Ministry of Trade and Industry, Report of the Economic Strategies Committee (February 2010)
- Ministry of Trade and Industry, Report of the Economic Review Committee (January 2002)
Academic and other publications
- Matthew Schneider-Mayerson (ed.), Eating Chilli Crab in the Anthropocene: Environmental Perspectives on Life in Singapore (Ethos Books, 2020)
- Lee Soo Ann, Singapore: From Place to Nation (Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2019)
- Lee Soo Ann, Singapore Chronicles: Economy (Straits Times Press for Institute of Policy Studies, 2019)
- Linda Y.C. Lim, “Beyond the ‘Global City’ Paradigm” in Su-Fern Hoe and Carol Soon (eds.), Singapore Perspectives 2015: Choices, Singapore: World Scientific and Institute of Policy Studies (2015), pp. 51-89, reprinted in LindaY.C. Lim, Business, Government and Labor: Essays on Economic Development in Singapore and Southeast Asia, pp. 105-136 (World Scientific, 2018)
- Irene Y.H. Ng, Ng Y.Y. and Lee P.C., “Singapore’s restructuring of low-wage work: Have cleaning job conditions improved?”, Economic and Labour Relations Review, 29(3): 308-327 (2018)
- Linda Y.C. Lim, “Singapore’s Success: After the Miracle” in Robert Looney (ed.), Handbook of Emerging Economies, pp. 203-226 (Routledge, 2014), reprinted in Linda Y.C. Lim, Business, Government and Labor: Essays on Economic Development in Singapore and Southeast Asia, pp. 69-104 (World Scientific, 2018)
- Linda Y.C. Lim, “Singapore: Economy” in Juliet Love (ed.), Far East and Australasia 2017, pp. 983-992 (Routledge, 2016)
- Irene Y. H. Ng, “Being Poor in a Rich “Nanny State”: Developments in Singapore Social Welfare” in Singapore’s Economic Development: Retrospection and Reflections, pp. 279-298 (World Scientific, 2016)
- Garry Rodan, “Capitalism, Inequality and Ideology in Singapore: New Challenges for the Ruling Party”, Asian Studies Review, 40(2): 211-230 (2016)
- Chia Siow Yue, “Globalization and Regionalization: Singapore’s Trade and FDI”, Singapore Economic Review 60(3):1550034 1-23 (August 2015), reprinted in Linda Y.C. Lim (ed.), Singapore’s Economic Development: Retrospection and Reflections, pp. 169-194 (World Scientific, 2016)
- Pang Eng Fong and Linda Y.C. Lim, “Labor, Productivity and Singapore’s Development Model”, Singapore Economic Review 60 (3): 1-30 (2015), reprinted in Linda Y.C. Lim, Singapore’s Economic Development: Retrospection and Reflections, pp.135-168 (World Scientific, 2016)
- Choy Keen Meng, Studies on the Singapore Economy (World Scientific, 2012)
- Linda Y.C. Lim & Lee Soo Ann, “Globalizing State, Disappearing Nation: The Impact of Foreign Participation in the Singapore Economy” in Management of Success: Singapore Revisited, 139-158 (ISEAS, 2010)
- Sam C. Y. “Globalizing Partially Privatized Firms in Singapore: The Role of Government as a Regulator and a Shareholder”, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 45(3): 258-273 (2010)
- A. Goldstein and P. Pananond, “Singapore Inc. Goes Shopping Abroad: Profits and Pitfalls”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 38(3): 417-438 (2008)
- N.A. Phelps, “Gaining from Globalization? State Extraterritoriality and Domestic Economic Impacts: The Case of Singapore”, Economic Geography, 83(4): 371-393 (2007)
- Henri Ghesquierre, Singapore’s Success: Engineering Economic Growth (Thomson Learning, 2007)
- Tilak Abeysinghe and Choy Keen Meng, The Singapore Economy: An Econometric Perspective (Routledge, 2007)
- Wang Poh-Kam, “Commercializing biomedical science in a rapidly changing ‘triple-helix’ nexus: The experience of the National University of Singapore”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 32: 367-395 (2007)
- Henry W.-C. Yeung, “Institutional capacity and Singapore’s developmental state: Managing economic (in)security in the global economy” in H. E. S. Nesadurai (ed.), Globalisation and Economic Security in East Asia: Governance and Institutions, pp. 85-106 (Routledge, 2005)
- Henry W.-C. Yeung, “Institutional capacity and Singapore’s developmental state: Managing economic (in)security in the global economy” in H. E. S. Nesadurai (ed.), Globalisation and Economic Security in East Asia: Governance and Institutions, pp. 85-106 (Routledge, 2005)
- Lai Si Tsui-Auch, “Bureaucratic Rationality and Nodal Agency in a Developmental State: The Case of State-Led Biotechnology Development in Singapore”, International Sociology 19:451-477 (2004)
- R.S. Rajan (ed.), Sustaining competitiveness in the new global economy: The experience of Singapore (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003)
- Linda Low, “Globalisation and the Political Economy of Singapore’s Policy on Foreign Talent and High Skills”, Journal of Education and Work, 15(4): 409-425 (2002)
- Jean L. Pyle, “Women, the Family, and Economic Restructuring: The Singapore Model?” in Garry Rodan (ed.), Singapore, pp. 479-487 (Ashgate, 2001)
- Chua Beng Huat, Communitarian Ideology and Democracy in Singapore (Routledge, 1995)
- Garry Rodan, The political economy of Singapore’s industrialization: national state and international capital (Macmillan, 1989)
- Lim Chong Yah, Policy Options for the Singapore Economy (McGraw-Hill Education, 1988)
- Janet W. Salaff, State and family in Singapore: Restructuring a Developing Society (Cornell University Press, 1988)
- C.V. Devan Nair, “Trade Unions in Singapore” in Devan Nair (ed.), Socialism that Works: the Singapore Way, pp. 97-103 (Federal Press, 1976)