Webinar on Liberal Education in Singapore


Following up on our Academic Freedom Survey released in August 2021, and the recent announcement that Yale-NUS College is to close, AcademiaSG organised this panel discussion on Thursday 9 September. Panelists: Haolie Jiang, Yale-NUS College Class of 2021 and a co-founder of CAPE, the Community for Advocacy & Political Education. (More) Robin Zheng, Assistant Professor […]


Beyond the pandemic: What we have learned and have still to learn


Edited transcript of Academia.SG Webinar, 1 May 2020 Teo You Yenn (Nanyang Technological University) This is an event both ordinary and extraordinary. Ordinary, because this is the type of event the speakers have each been doing for years — we have all presented our research at roundtables, and we have each spoken at events that […]
