First CHS, now CDE and New College: A tale of three top-down decisions

Academic Views

Peter Ooi and Melody Madhavan, alumni of Yale-NUS College, consider several proposed mergers in faculties and programmes at the National University of Singapore (NUS), and raise concerns about the lack of stakeholder consultation prior to their announcement. In many policy areas, decision-makers in Singapore are increasingly cognisant that making decisions the right way is just […]


The closure of Yale-NUS: A loss for Singapore

Academic Views

Linda Lim (professor emerita of corporate strategy and international business at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, who previously taught at Swarthmore College) and Pang Eng Fong (professor emeritus and former dean at Singapore Management University’s Lee Kong Chian School of Business) consider how Yale-NUS has demonstrated the value of a […]



Academic Views



Lucky in a meritocracy? Examining conceptualisations of luck and academic success in Singapore

Academic Views

Assistant Professor Rebecca Ye (a sociologist of education and work at Stockholm University and former visiting fellow in Sociology at the Nanyang Technological University) discusses how ‘luck’ is understood in trajectories of academic success in Singapore and what this reveals about meritocracy. Debates on the relationship between luck, success, merit and inequality have intensified in […]


“Be decent mother, go through PSLE”: when children’s education becomes parental care labor

Academic Views

Associate Professor Teo You Yenn discusses how children’s education becomes parental care labour, with differing impacts on parents across class and gender lines. Contemporary Singapore appears to be a great place to raise children—safe, clean, with good care infrastructure and a world-class education system. Singaporean adults also appear to be exactly the right people to […]


Why STEM is not enough

Academic Views

Linda Lim, Gunalan Nadarajan and Jessie Yang—Singaporean professors at the University of Michigan—make a case for the arts and humanities in the age of tech and coronavirus. COVID-19 has caused a marked shift in scientific research around the world away from other problems toward investigating and fighting the virus. This will take much time to […]
