Disinformation in China-US rivalry: a case study

Academic Views

AcademiaSG editors CHONG JA IAN and LINDA LIM relate how their interview with a Hong Kong newspaper was distorted by a PRC news outlet. One year ago, in October 2021, the government passed FICA, the Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA), two years after passing POFMA, the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA), in […]


Beyond global post-pandemic inflationary pressures, Singapore’s economic structure will continue to drive up domestic costs

Academic Views

The public discourse on inflation in Singapore has focused on imported inflation, and its mitigation through currency appreciation. But there are also domestic sources of inflation rooted in our overall economic development strategy, argue economists Linda Lim and Nigel Chiang of the University of Michigan.1 One year ago, central bankers worldwide mostly expected rising inflation […]
